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We believe in making your product management experience as simple as possible. With our user-friendly platform, you can effortlessly add and modify products, including popular items like T-shirts and pants, and test them in our convenient test modes.

Adding Products:

  • Product Details: Fill in essential product details, including the product name, description, price, available sizes, and colors. You can also upload high-quality images to showcase your products.

  • Variants: If your product comes in various sizes or colors, you can create product variants within a few clicks, making it simple for customers to find the perfect fit.


Testing in Our Test Modes

  1. Product Preview: Before making your products live on the website, use our "Product Preview" mode to see how your listings will appear to customers. This allows you to make any necessary adjustments to the product details and images.

  2. Virtual Try-On: For apparel items like T-shirts and pants, we offer a "Virtual Try-On" mode that enables you to visualize how your clothing looks on virtual models with different body types. This helps you ensure that your products accurately represent their fit and style.

Editing and Updates:

  1. Product Edits: If you need to make changes to your product listings, you can easily edit product details, update images, or modify inventory information.

  2. Quick Revisions: Our platform allows for quick revisions, so you can make changes efficiently without any hassle.

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